

Tiny LEGO Transformers

BrianBox at Brickshelf has some nice microscale transformers.

In his collection you can find the tiny Megatron or the Mini Optimus Prime or the micro Starscream.

...and of course they transform.

OPtimus Prime LEGO MicroscaleOptimus Prime Transformed to Truck
LEGO Microscale MegatronMegatron Transformed to Gun
LEGO Microscale StarScreamStarscream transformedVia MicroBricks

LEGO Vig: The Apology

A little cruel LEGO vignette from dbol39. He wrote that he built it for his girlfriend...hmmm don't ask me why. Maybe they broke off or I don't. But it's not to important. Let's see the vig ;)

I like you, but not
Enough to take you to the
Hospital. Sorry.

LEGO Portrait of Stephen Hawking

OchreJelly made an amazing LEGO sculpture of the genius Math professor Stephen Hawking. It's so realistic that I didn't need to tell you the name of the model you would instantly know who is it.

Did you know that his book "A Brief History of Time" stayed on the British Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks. Wowww the proff knows something ;)

Stephen Hawking Professor in LEGO

Pokemons in LEGO World

These little Pocket Monsters have left their ordinary life for a short time and took a trip to the world of LEGO bricks :)

THX to Amuzu the whole little crew is here: Pikachu, Chimecho, Hikozaru, Wurmple, and the others...
Pokemon Pikachu

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LEGO Star Wars Micros

Chris Deck has a tone of great Star Wars MINI Models such as an Imperial Star Destroyer, a TIE Fighter, a Death Star or a Droid Starfighter just to name a few. I brought you some of them ;)

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LEGO Bricks And XRay

Have you ever imagined what you get when you xrays a LEGO brick or a minifg? Well Gravitation's medtech friend has been experimenting with it...These are the results:

LEGO Motorcycle Xray

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Minifig Tetris

In Japan there's a TV show called Human Tetris. They get bored with playing tetris on the PC, so they play it now in another way (here is a video to see how exactly).

UniqueBuilder got inspiration after watching the show and built this nice LEGO vignette.

Minifig Tetris

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WiigoBot - The LEGO NXT Mindstorm Wii Bowling Robot

Guys at built a LEGO NXT robot that plays a video game called Wii Bowling. Check out the video to see the robot in action.

If you like this little digital mechanism and want to have a same one, here you can find
the instructions for building it.